Monday, January 14, 2008

Cowardly bloggers

A blog called Conservative Woman, has a post, a long vicious rant against Hindus. Many of us tried to post comments on there, but for some reason, none of us could. Cowardly bloggers dont allow comments on the blogs, someone might actually come up with the truth.
The link to that blog is
Its a long tirade, against Indians - Hindus in particular. The blogger has managed to get in a few digs at Jews and Muslims too. Talk about a poisonous pen.

This is my reply to her, I am assuming now that its a woman, since it says Conservative Woman. I have reproduced my reply here, just as it would have been posted on her blog, if she had the guts to face the truth.
I read this blog and was stunned at the authors hate towards hindus, no, the authors hate towards any religion but christianity. It is clear that this blogger is ignorant about the facts in any part of the world. All the blogger seems to know is about christianity. I have posted a number of links at the end of my comments, please, if you have the time and patience do skim through them, they will reveal a different and the factual side of this argument.
"When people in the West think of India, they usually think of Ghandi, people in native clothing with caste marks, and ardent vegetarians who, though misplaced in their faith where cows are involved, are still very peaceful."
First - the writer should make sure he/she/it knows the spellings, it is Gandhi; not Ghandi.
Second - who is the writer to decide if the hindus faith in cows is misplaced? Do hindus stop you from eating those cows? Do hindus make you worship those cows? NO
"No doubt many are. But it’s a mistake to think that “all” Hindi’s are peaceful."
The people of India speak Hindi and are Hindus- thay are not called hindi's - another example of ignorance.
"It seems strange to me that a government calling itself democratic allows people to only practice part of their faith"
So why are the Christians protesting when Muslims try to convert people to Islam? Muslims are doing exactly what Christians are doing - the difference being, Muslims do it overtly and Christians do it in covertly.
"the part not being allowed is “missionizing” (a derogatory term for evangelizing."
missionizing - evangelizing - dress a wolf in sheep's clothing?
I quote again -
A) Bajrang Dal Jai [Hail Bajrang Dal! (Bajrang Dal is the youth wing of the VHP)]
B) Hindu Hindu Bhai [Hindu Hindu Brother]
C) Jai Shriram [Hail Shriram! (Shriram is a Hindu deity)]
D) Jai Shiva Shambu [Hail Shiva Shambu (Shiva Shambu is also a Hindu deity)]
E) Jai Bajrang Dal [Hail Bajrang Dal!]
G) Bharatmata ki jai [Hail mother India!]
H) Bajrang Dal ki jai [Hail Bajrang Dal]
end quote
here the author raises objections to Indians expressing positive sentiments towards their own country and religion... talk about a bigot.
"Israel also disallows it. “We are a JEWISH state,” I was told by an Israeli. True. It’s a Jewish state.But at least there’s no overt violence against Christians there. Or shall I say, nothing of the magnitude seen in India..... yet.
Obviously this wasn’t Muslims attacking the Christians. For once, anyway."
If you read between the lines - you will see the hatred the author has for any faith but christianity. Hindus, Jews and Muslims all are equally hated - thats the only positive (sic) comment I can make.
"“You’re in my country you must play by our rules” is fine. We’re not talking law here. We’re talking attitude."
Hmmmm and doesnt the author, in other parts of the tirade, expressely state that PROSYLETIZING is against the LAW? So WE ARE TALKING ABOUT LAW. Specifically about christian missionizers breaking the law, knowingly.
"“Destroying ‘pagan’ temples is well within the sorts of things that especially zealous Christians might do — indeed, Christianity has a long history of just that sort of activity."
Thats the only truthful point in the whole blog/ tirade/ hate against hindus article put up by the author. If the author wants a body count, of how many Hindus, Jews and Muslims were murdered or massacred by the Christians - strictly for religious reasons, she/he needs to look no further than the very internet that was used to put forth this poison against the hindus.

Read this article by Francis Gautier, a catholic, about the christian missionizing in India.Will Hinduism survive the present Christian offensive? By Francis Gautier
The Sinister Designs of the Christian Missionaries in India
Madhya Pradesh church priest held on rape charge.
Christian Persecution in India: The Real Story
Missionaries in India
Christian Missionaries: Curse on India
Christian Missionaries
Why don't Christian missionaries target the west?
Blogs about: Conversions Missionaries In India

I hope the other blogger reads this, I have not restricted comments to this blog, lets see if she replies.

1 comment:

jan tantawa (Chris Brooking) said...

I totally agree about the cowardly blogging. I think the reason people do this is that they don't want a "fair portrayal" of events, just propaganda for the misinformed. They post what they know themselves that they cannot justify, or even know to be wrong.

In "Conservative Woman's" post she says

The assaults against Christians mostly go unnoticed in mainstream and liberal media outlets.

What goes totally unreported in the west is the fact that there was as much Christian against Hindu violence as the other way round. The revenue divisional commissioner said:

relief camps in Christian-dominated pockets saw a surge of Hindu refugees, the Christians flooded camps set up in Hindu majority areas. He said some camps had people from both communities.

Mr Sahoo expressed his displeasure at what he said was the "wrong portrayal" of the Kandhamal situation in a section of the media.

So to me clearly the reason that the blog does not accept comments is because someone might post the truth, which does not fit the propaganda that "Conservative Woman" undoubtedly wants to feed to potential funders of these missionaries.

BTW this looks like it is going to be a great blog. Keep up the good work.